For Your Listening Pleasure

For Your Listening Pleasure


Industry / Technology / Your Store

JCK highlights 13 jewelry podcasts worth a download. (We couldn’t resist including our own!) It’s been more than a decade since podcasts first went mainstream. And in that time, the audio format has only gotten more popular. According to Nielsen, the number of podcast titles and episodes has jumped by nearly 200% over the last two years, and the audience for podcasts has increased 40%, spurred on by the pandemic. Within the jewelry trade, the podcast trend has followed a similar trajectory, thanks to easy and affordable platforms such as Zencastr (used by JCK), which offers free and/or inexpensive options and requires little more than an internet connection. We’ve sampled the jewelry-specific podcasts and put together this far from exhaustive list of those we think would be worth your while—while highlighting notable guests and linking to episodes that provide a good in

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